The Futures Triangle as Textual Analysis: A Case Study Uncovering Voices of Afghan Women Amidst Taliban Rule
This original research aims to explore methodological innovations within Futures Studies research, particularly in resource constrained environments. The research paper has three aims
Explore the present and future wants, needs, and fears of women in Afghanistan to better understand what interventions are necessary both on the ground and from an international advocacy standpoint.
To test if the Futures Triangle be used as a textual analysis tool on stories where no explicit questions about pushes, pulls, and weights were asked
To test if Large Language Model Artificial Intelligence can be used to perform portions of this textual analysis.
The 2021 Taliban takeover of Afghanistan plunged the nation into a new era of uncertainty, particularly for women and girls. Due to difficulty conducting research and workshops in Afghanistan, innovative methodologies are needed. This paper therefore proposes an innovative approach to overcome this obstacle: leveraging the Futures Triangle as a textual analysis tool to systematically organise, review, and glean insights from remotely-generated stories by Afghan women. By applying this method, this paper aims to demonstrate the feasibility of analysing such narratives as well as generate real insights from Afghanistan.
Keywords: Futures Triangle, Afghanistan, Women's Rights, Textual Analysis, Narratives
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This article is currently under peer review for publication at the Journal of Futures Studies. To learn more, please reach out